Date: 27th March 2019
A two day workshop on the 27th and 28th March 2019 was conducted on “Understanding Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations” at Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy (KCP), Bangalore, in collaboration with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Indian Institute of Science Campus (IISC), Bengaluru and Cell For IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM), Department of Industrial Policy, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India.
The workshop was convened by Dr. Arshad Bashir Khan, Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, KCP and coordinated by organizing secretary Mrs. Ruchi Agrawal, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, KCP.
On the first day of the workshop, 27th March 2019 the dignitaries on the dais, Chief GuestsDr. MD Karvekar, Professor and Academic Director, KCP and Prof. Prakash V Mallya, Professor and Director CPPA, KCP, the delegates and the resource persons Mr. Vivek Anand Sagar, IP Attorney and Consultant, KSCST-Bangalore, Mr. Sushen Srevatsa, Advocate, High Court of Karnataka, Dr. Sarasija Padmanabha, IP Analyst and Patent Agent, Mr. Mohan S.G, Consultant KSCST were welcomed in the inaugural programme by Mrs. Ashwini Karanth, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutics and Dr. Amit Kumar Das, Principal, KCP addressed the gathering and emphasized on the importance of bridging the gap between industry and academia through the workshop.
The gathering was graced by Dr. Sam Issac Paul, Campus Director Krupanidhi Group of Institutions (KGI) as he shared his views on acquiring understanding on the agenda of the workshop and the relevance of IPR in nurturing a promising future of KGI. Finally the vote of thanks was delivered by the convener of the workshop Dr. Arshad Bashir Khan.
On the first day of the workshop, sessions were conducted on various prospects of IPR and its understanding. The first session on A holistic View of Intellectual Property Rights was conducted by Mr. Vivek Anand Sagar, IP Attorney and Consultant, KSCST-Bangalore. In his talk he emphasized on what is IPR and the types of IPR that can be filed for various products and processes.
The next talk was delivered by Mr. Sushen Srivathsan, Advocate, High Court of Karnataka on Understanding Patentability Criteria in India, where he shed a light on patentable and non-patentable goods, services, processes and the products.
The third session on this day was conducted by Dr. Sarasija Padmanabha, IP Analyst and Patent Agent on All That One Should Know About Prior Art/Patent Search. Dr. Sarasija conducted hands on computer training session on how to search patents using specific search filters on WIPO PatentScope website.
The fourth session on Success Stories on Innovations- Patent Innovation Interface-Technology Innovation Referring To Creations was taken by Mr. Mohan S.G, Consultant KSCST.
The last session of the first day was conducted by Mr. Vivek Anand Sagar on understanding copyrights: a powerful IP tool, its implications in research, in his talk he focused on concepts of plagiarism, citations, research ethics, exceptions, fair use, copyleft, computer software related inventions and the law pertaining to the same and referred to a few well known cases as live examples.
On the second day 28th March 2019 the workshop began with a session on “Process of Patenting in India” by Mr. Gaurav Mishra, Patent Agent, IPR Manager Banana IP, Bangalore. In his session he addressed various the issues relating to filing of patent, publication, request to examine, registration and maintenance of patent. This session helped understanding the acceptance and refusal of a patent and was demonstrated using well known case studies.
The last talk of this workshop was delivered by Mr. Amshuman, Advocate, High Court of Karnataka. In his session Mr. Amshuman spoke about “Trade Mark- Distinctiveness –Registration Process, Rights and Infringement – Case Study”. The session was specifically informative to the most common challenges, unawareness and helped filling the minor gaps in understanding of general issues with trademark/copyright identification and filling.
The workshop organized would help in any future up gradation of the academic and research standards of the institution and help bridging the gap between industry and academia. The feedbacks from the attendees were collected and the workshop seemed to have an overall positive impact on the audience.
We the family of Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy is extremely thankful for the support from the management and would like to thank Prof Dr. Suresh Nagpal, Chairman, Krupanidhi Group of Institutions, Mrs. Geetha Nagpal, Vice Chair-Person, Krupanidhi Group of Institutions, Dr. Sam Issac Paul, Campus Director, Krupanidhi Group of Institutions, the Executive directors Mr. Akash Nagpal and Ms. Neha Nagpal and Prof Narendra, Campus Registrar, Krupanidhi Groups of Institutions and Dr. Amit Kumar Das, Principal, Professor, Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy for their immense support behind encouraging the idea of piloting this workshop. We also express our utmost gratitude to KSCST, CIPAM and all the resource persons who have agreed to support the motive of the workshop and enlightening us about “Understanding Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations”.